Warband Tactics

Myari’s Purifiers – guide

After my successes in German Tabletop Chamionhip, I decided to write a guide for Myari’s Purifiers. They are strong and versitile warband, but not everyone plays them. (And they hold a special place in my heart as well). Here I will show some tips, how to play as them, but first:

Why play elves?

  • Very flexible warband – they can do everything well (attack short and long range, defend themselves, hold objectives and score passively). However for each aspect you can find a warband that does this one aspect better. This is due to the fact that each elf is doing something diffrent.
  • They have very good fraction card poll. – They are not very dependend on universals, and they will cope with rotation very weel.
  • Good basic attack characterisics – 2 hammers/ 2 focuses.
  • Very good defence characteristics especially after inspiration.
  • Not that high skill floor, but high skill ceiling. You can play them at a decent level right from the start.

Why don’t play elves?

  • Very fragile – only three wounds. Some warbands can take you down in the first activation. Togehter with the fact that every fighter is important, this really hurts.
  • Not much damage off the bat – until Bahannar inspires or without upgrades, they struggle to take down enemies with lot of wounds.


As have I said, each fighter offers something diffrent to the warband. So, here they are:


First in the line stands the leader – a powerful wizard. His main power comes from casting (Searing Beams and Hunting Bolt) and holding objectives (Purifying Light, Magical Mark a Bold Conquest), which he can do thanks to his two defence dice.

Next is the infamous fighter nicknamed Banana. Biggest damage dealer (after inspiration) has range two on his crushing attack action. He cannot be taken down easily thanks to his two shields. However he suffers a bit from a lack of speed.

He starts to be really scary when he gets few upgrades. Health upgrades (Great Fortitude, Deserved Confidence) work wonders with Heartstone Amulet for damage reduction. He can also get some more offensive upgrades with rerolls (Heightened Senses, Crown of the Dead) and damage (Great Strength, Mountain Stance a Gauntlet of Dominance).

Here comes Aileen. She doesn’t have range 2 like Bahannar, but after inspiration she has almost unmissable attack on three hammers with cleave. She is bit vulnerable from the start, but reroll against range 3 attacks helps with inspiration, after which she is not so easy to hit with two shields.

And last but not least, archer Senaela. She is most fragile of the four, but after inspiration even she can hold her own. She lacks a bit in damage, but after lucky crit, even she can take someone out.

When Senaela is far she can snipe everyone from great distance 4/5. This isn’t that common as one damage doesn’t do that much, especially in current Mollog, Morgok, Rippas meta.

Boards, objectives and leathals

It is possible to lose a game right when placing objectives. One great article is here, however this will be more warband specific, focusing on control-aggro Purifiers, as I have the most experience with them.

Short setup for boards is usually the best – at the beginning it is neccessary to collect some glory from kills and score related objectives (Unexpected Pitfall, Surge of Aggression, Bold Conquest) and start the whole scoring mashinery (Show of Force, Pursit of Excelence). Also, with upgrades elves become much more scary.

Next it is important to group all objective tokens together – this helps to easily take advantege of your great range. (This can have exceptions as well, when opoonent cannot reach objectives, but beware of Lords of Space and Time, Soaring Spite, …).

Further, block best spots for opponents objectives by placing your ones within 2 hexes of those spots. Hexes deep in the enemy territory or next to starting hexes to stop enemy fighters from charging on them.

Lethal hex goes behind groups of starting hexes, or against aggro in their way towards you. Lehtal is great for scoring Unexpected Pitfall.


One of the most important things is not to let someone die right off the bat. Well, those three wounds only and one defence die on some fighters don’t helps much. Therefore, it is important to deploy your fighters well.

Bahannar is your frontline. He is low speed, so such a great fighter would do badly from far. Thanks to his drive back resistance , he can be deployed in front of a lethal hex.

Behind Bahannar stands Myari. With two dodges he will not fall so easily and he wants to charge onto an objective (Bold Conquest, Purifiying Light,…).

In the backline I keep Aileen and Senaela. Both of them have only one defence die, however they can hold their own after inspiring. They have good move characteristic, and will try to inspire after charging.


Basic Gameplan is simple:

  1. Kill someone (typicaly with few wounds), get some starting glory (Surge of Aggression, Unexpected Pitfall) or score some more passive objectives (Bold Conquest, Elemental Blessing).
  2. Get some upgrades and score for them (Pursuit of Excelence, Show of Force).
  3. Hold few objectives (Purifying Light, Magical Mark, Dominant Position).
  4. With great upgrades start massacrating purifiying enemy fighters.

The best fighter for stacking upgrades is Bahannat, but Myari or Aileen can do as well. Senaela somewhat lacks in damage, so she isn’t great choice.

As your objectives don’t generate great amouts of glory, it is importnat to stop your opponent from scoring their objectives. It is not always possible, however try to deny Dominant Position, Temporary Victory or Unafraid.

Aetherquarz counters

When to use aetherquarz counters?

  • When your fighter had a bad defence roll and they are going to die – there is no reasone to save the counter in such case.
  • This attack action is really important – if it would go through, it would change the entire game.
  • For Elemental ploy and scoring Elemental Blessing – it is important to keep some tokens for scoring it. Here the question is not If?, but rather How?.
  • For other cards. I don’t play many of them, as there are many other opportunities tu spend them. But cleave+ensare from Heightened senses is sometimes useful.
  • Hunting Bolt failed again. The accuracy is 75%, however it always sometimes fails.


Not a secret anymore, after winning the Vassal Clash…

Link here.

Final thoughts

As I have play elves long and successfully, change is coming. With Nations Cup coming, my eyes are set on another warband…

Competitive play

Vassal Clash VI

My precious „trophy“.

I start to see a pattern — winning an event with a warband before I finish painting it…

But some progress is still there…

First day

First battle

My first opponent was Daniele Gorini with Hrothgorn’s mantrappers.

My general strategy was try to evade Hrothgorn’s attacks, and try to outscore him by killing gnoblars and my passive glory gain (To The End, Frantic Exchange, Pursuit of Excellence, …).

It was somewhat closer in the second battle: At the end of second round only Myari, Hrothgorn and Quiv were standing. Myari charged on objective, but missed an important attack on Quiv, which would have scored me Surge of Aggression. But thanks to holding an objective, I scored Dominant Position. In third round I charged with my leader, but he missed (not scoring that objective again) and was killed after. But I still managed to score To the End, giving me victory 14-13, while being completely annihilated.

Match result 2-0.